Architect in Games Origin story


Origin stories are great in comic books because it clearly defines a character starting point and we understand why they do what they do. More importantly it is the point where we relate as the audience. It is the idea that anyone could become a superhero and that we all start from zero at some point. It would be great to tell you I was bit by a radioactive spider and I am a mild mannered game designer by day and a superhero by night. Unfortunately I was not bit by any spiders or have any super human powers.

My story does start in high school. I was a kid that played a lot of trading card games, videogames, and every kind of board game with my cousins. I loved getting together with my friends and family. I would continue doing all those things in my spare time in college studying for architecture. Then that pesky adulthood thing happened and I get away from a lot of those things for a while (mostly to actually become a licensed architect) until we start doing board game nights! I had so much fun playing boardgames with my friends and family I decided to start my own game company. I want to create games that engage everyone around the table in different ways. Thus the idea of Architect-In-Games was born. I hope you enjoy the games we make and I would love to hear about your experiences with our games.