I started designing a board game a year ago... And this is what it looks like a year later

I came up with the concept of creating a basketball board game. I spent a lot of  time creating the game and researching how to get it Kickstarted.

Then life happened, work, family, and general lack of time to give toward doing this. The more I researched the more I realized the amount of time this task needed to do well. Kickstarting fell to the way side but playing and tweaking the game didn't. As the year went on I showed my prototype “Drive the Lane” off to small groups of people. They enjoyed the game and I enjoyed showing and teaching it to them. It wasn't until a few months ago I realized it had been over a year since I had the idea. I thought it was time to pick it back up and get it going. I met some great people at a (MECCA con) comic book convention in Detroit. That convention inspired me to put the final touches on my prototype. I decided to send it to someone in New York to get reviews and also to get 3rd party reviews and thoughts about the game without me being there.  

I am waiting for those prototypes to be printed from TheGameCrafter.com. I would use them for any future prototyping. TheGameCrafter site helped me get a sense of size standards and is very user friendly. Since the game is now as far as I can take it. I am now focusing on how to get more people to experience the game and build a crowd for the Kickstarter. I revisited my spreadsheet of tasks and noticed it was almost exactly a year ago I created it. In reviewing that list writing a blog was top on the list. The reason I wanted to write this blog was to give people a real week to week insight on how this happens. I know there are a lot of blogs out there with information and a lot of great insight on what to do and how. What I didn’t see was a blog that detailed the week to week process from someone that hasn't done this before. I wanted my blog to include all the ups and downs. My goal is to give you a weekly update on what I have accomplished (if anything) and also my thoughts and feelings about it.

Next steps, outreaching to local gaming stores and demonstrating the game there.